Part 53: Episode XLII: Chrono Break
Music: Out of Time (This only plays here and its a pretty rad boss battle theme.)
Time to take on The Time Judge. Shes been waiting 1000 years plus however many mulligans there have been of Setsunas journey for this fight. Lets put on a good show. 5275 HP is the order of the day against this boss.
Now, you might be worried this very clear Yunalesca from Final Fantasy X analog might be as big of a roadblock as the one shes copying. Shes got a unique boss theme and everything! And Im here to tell you that is... absolutely not the case... The Time Judge is way more manageable than the Reaper boss rush earlier in this dungeon.
The Time Judges main gimmick, true to her namesake, is time manipulation. Most troublingly, she has Haste that she will constantly buff herself with in battle. And unfortunately the only person with the ability to dispel an enemy buff like this is Kir. So were just going to have to deal with a Hasted boss because pfft... Im never using Kir.
TJ also access to Slow and Stop. Thankfully, shes way more likely to cast the former. Stop is indistinguishable from death in this game insofar in if the only remaining character is Stopped and the rest are KOed, it is a Game Over. That could go badly. Slow, on the hand, is just a minor inconvenience at best. Endirs Momentum buffed Aura can sort out Slow or we can use a Panacea. Theres no distinction between magic and physical debuffs in this game. Status curative items work on both.
The thing that makes Not-Yunalesca a fairly easy to deal with boss battle comes in two forms. First off is that she just... doesnt really have a tremendous amount of damage output. She has two single target physical attacks: Sweeping Slash and Stab. They both only do 200+ HP of damage. And she seems to rarely target the same character twice in a row. So no big deal.
Spinning Slash is a full party physical damage attack but its still in the 150-175 HP of damage range and again, Time Judge both doesnt target the same character twice and doesnt usually use the same attack twice in a row.
Comet is Time Judges most dangerous attack as it does 75-100 HP of damage x 4 hits. Which could be trouble, but I feel like theres some sort of percentage damage modifier on it since Comet seems to hit characters with less HP for a less damage than those with higher total health (i.e. it hits Aeterna for around 75 x 4 but Endir gets beaned from 95 x 4.) But still, its only a single character targeting attack.
Later on in the fight, Time Judge begins employing Meteo regularly. This will do a good 200+ HP of damage to everyone. Its best just to have Setsuna on stand-by building Momentum for a Cure II to deal with Meteo and the like. Cure II with Momentum will refill Setsunas AP gauge about 75% instantly on cast. So shes basically always ready for a full party heal as long as her MP stays topped off.
Lastly, Dark Samsaras keeper has Shooting Star which is... well... just Meteo but not as damaging. Not really sure of the point of this attack. But here it is for completions sake! Its just there to add spice for when she starts spamming Meteo, I think.
I havent talked about what to do about actually attacking The Time Judge. Aeternas mom is incredibly resilient to magical attacks. Kir and most of Setsunas offensive Tech arsenal are complete useless. Time Judge will entirely no-sell any direct magic attacks. Physical attacks, on the other hand, Time Judge has NOT been putting the work into buffing her defense against. Indeed, she is incredibly weak to any physical attacks. Just normal physical attacks like Endirs Cyclone or Aeternas charge do 250+ HP of damage against her. So lets take that to the next level! This fight can be completed in about two minutes if youre feeling motivated!
Endirs Battle Cry tech boosts Speed, Defense, and most importantly Attack. Just the normal version of it. We dont need to get fancy with Momentum. We want everyone to have one Momentum stock. Setsuna and Aeterna can just hang out and make sure theyre ready to cast.
Now, with triple the attack power against an enemy already weak to physical strikes, lets see what our baby Grand Cross can do with the kids gloves taken off of it, eh?
Yeah, that did around 3887 HP of damage in a single turn or round 75% of her total HP. Thats not too shabby. Especially since Id already done about 2000 HP of damage against her before trying this.
Like I said, the Time Judge wasnt too bad of a boss encounter for something that... well... didnt actually have any build up beyond a vague theres probably something to fight at the end of the pilgrimage part.
Music: A Hidden Force
The Time Judge rises to her feet.
Music: The Lone Reaper
Oh for FUCK SAKE! No! We killed this guy... He evaporated into
Remember the part of Chrono Trigger where Magus could join the party but you were still given the option of going Man, FUCK THAT GUY! and fighting him to the death. Or having a sweet one on one duel to the death between Frog and Magus to settle their score? Yeah... Theyre not actually giving us that option...
So much like Trebuchet and its original terrible name, The Reapers default name is... Fides? Normally, I am against renaming main playable characters but... normally the final party member in a RPG isnt given literally outside the final boss door. So fuck it! Im making an executive decision here.
Reaper... you are hereby dubbed...
And so we gain our actual final party member in the form of
I hate they make Reaper playable here. As hacky as a lot of this game was writing wise, I would commend it for making all the playable characters stay active in interjecting in the plot and participating in events the entire way. Most JRPGs COMPLETELY fuck that up and utterly forget about a couple characters by the third act. Hell, even Chrono Trigger is guilty of this. Ayla becomes and Frog both become mostly non-entities beyond generic lines after the Middle Ages and Prehistoric wraps up until end game sidequests. But then they even fuck that up with Reaper, who has one sidequest and is just here for the final boss. And spoilers, he will absolutely not have any crucial role for the final battle and ending sequence. He's just kinda there as an extra body.
It's bad. It's all bad. They shouldn't have done this! There's no reason for this to happen besides being a shitty Magus analog.
The Time Judge falls to her knees.
With the Time Judge Eutess death, the barrier holding back Dark Samsara weakens enough for the party to enter. She was also kind enough to form a pathway into the Dark Samsaras realm before croaking. It would have been funny if there was another gap over a pit dilemma presented itself. One that actually reasonably could require a catapult to solve. But alas...
In any case, that concludes Chapter 12 of I am Setsuna. One chapter remains! Technically, theres only maybe 2-3 main plot updates left. But defeating the Time Judge and gaining Reaper as a party member has unlocked all of the character sidequests, which well be tackling next. One for each character. Even the ones that only joined five minutes ago.
I dont think Im finishing this LP by 2017s start...
Time Judge Concept Art In case you wanted to know what Eutess butt looked like.